Taken from a famous interview of Oliver Reed from 1975.
Performed with Josh Spear (2017).
Clip taken from a spelling B competition.
Performed and composed with Josh Spear (2017).
High Art Meets Low Art:
The Katie Price Workout
Audio taken from opening of Katie Price's workout video.
Created with Eleanor Perry (2014).
Quality Curtains
Audio clip taken from interview of woman in Curtain Shop
for shop's promo video. (2014)
Bavarian Real Estate
Created with Eleanor Perry (2014).
Impossible Cashmere
Classic Shirley Bassey track (2013).
Created with and starring Tom Marshman (2017)
Brahms Cello Sonata in E Minor
By Daniel Hay-Gordon, Ale Marzotto Levy, Owen Ridley-DeMonick and Rainer Haslehofer (2014)
"What are you doing in there?"
Made with Eleanor Perry (2014)
The Love School
Made with Carl Harrison (2015)
Made with Eleanor Perry in Romania (2014)
Made at Darlington with Joss Carter and Roseanna Anderson at Darlington (2013)
Short Hours with Bends and Spectres
Made with Eleanor Perry (2013)